Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back to Milano: A Continuation...

End of September. Beginning of Autumn. I've been back in Milano for a week now. Back into the swing of things. So, things have been going pretty well. I'm back in the same apartment I was in last semester- different room this time. Although I miss Piemonte dearly, there is still much to be said about life in Milano. I've reconnected with most of the people I got to know from last year- except for the ones who were here for only one semester. I've even had a few nights out that included Banana Peanut Butter Pancakes, late-night movies, cafe chats, strolls around the city from the Castello to the Duomo and a few places around and in between. The weather's been agreeable for the most part and as for my personal state, well, I would say a good deal has changed.
For the first time in my life, I feel whole. I'm not really sure I can describe it any other way. God has not only healed my heart, he has restored it and in ways I didn't even know it needed to be. I can wake up in the morning content and happy. No anxiety, fear, unbelief. And if there is any, I get that in check right away. Yes, God has done a new thing in my heart and all I can do is continually offer it up to Him. My soul yearns to know him and my heart desires to dwell in His presence. He is my life source. But it isn't just for me. God has blessed me to be a Blessing to others. When people ask about my summer, there is nothing to hide or hold back. And we can sit for hours talking about the Beauty and Loveliness of God.
I start my classes in a week now. I don't even know which ones I am going to take. But I will not worry. I will not fear. I don't have have to. I feel God has spoken to me that His work is not finished. And when I say that, I mean in a seasonal aspect. This season of Rest and Beauty He has showered on my soul apparently doesn't end with a train ride out of Vignale. There is more. I believe this. I trust Him.
So things are lovely now, Even the things that aren't so lovely do not put a damper on my spirit. I mean, who wants to be miserable anyway? I can say that I am curious. And expectant. Curious about what is to come; expectant that it will be something great. What do these last 3 months of my Italian venture hold? No clue. But I know who holds them. And that makes all the difference.

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