Thursday, July 29, 2010

There aren't always words- or the right words anyway. The words that really tell it like it is. But, that doesn't mean you can't try.
Presently, I am in a stage, in a season where its difficult to describe. It is simply in the living. But, as much as I am able, I will try anyway.
I awake each day to the same place and a new place. Same house, new day. Same God, new gift. At times I can hardly contain myself. The one who goes before me reveals himself in the beauty of each moment, in the scent of a rose, the sway of the trees, conversations with a new found friend. How great is this love that not I possess, no, that possesses me? How much joy can a heart hold? How much grace can one soul even take? It takes me. In breathing, I find a song and in smiling I find joy. Every moment, basking in His love. The Love that consumes me. The Love that renews me. Love that completes me. I am overwhelmed. What is this Beauty I walk in but Beauty itself- or Himself. And my heart is so full my mind cannot contain it. I simply...let it. Let it come. Let it flow over me. There are no words. Or very few anyway. This Beauty is invisible, yet I see it all around me.
Though, to another, this may not make much since well, I did the best I could. But as I said, there are no words- or very few anyway.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Evening Sun

Ah the beauty of a Sunset! So glorious! There's nothing like watching the sun set over the mountains in the cool evening. I can't believe I hadnt done this yet, but tonight I finally did. Around 8 or so, I'd had my fill of sitting inside and just wanted go out and bask in the beauty of the world around me. This was also the perfect time to talk to God, in his own backyard. So, I grabbed my throw blanket, bible, and journal and settled down in a freshly mowed spot in the field right next to the grape vines. O the gorgeous view splayed out before me. I think I've described this before but it just takes my breath away every time. The stunning panorama of hill after rolling green hill, each topped with its own quaint little town. And in the backdrop, the Alps. A never-ending snow-capped mountainous range bordering the Piedmont region. And then sun- radiant in the bluest blue sky, cascading, descending over the mountains, transforming glorious day into shimmering night. This is what I witnessed. Ok, so it was a little cloudy today but at any rate, it was still a sight to behold.
So, being the hopeless romantic- or some variation of the sort, that I am, I took this opportunity to praise the one who painted this masterpiece and recite a few Psalms to the heavens. Yes, I was quite inspired you might say. I read Psalms 145 and 148 aloud and just watched as the day slowly waned away. Its happened a bazillion times over but there's never really any words to describe in its essence, the beauty of a sunset... or sunrise for that matter. I suppose its simply... a gift from God. I'm more than willing to receive it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Your Presence

Listening to "I Love Your Presence" from the album "Here is Love". Amazing. As I sit at my desk typing I can not help but feel an amazing peace. A stillness within my own soul that only comes from God. A feeling like no other. Throughout the day several thoughts and feelings flood my mind and body. I don't always know where they come from or why they're there in the first place. They can be the most random of feelings and completely contradict how I was feeling just hours earlier. There is often a sense of instability and uncertainty that tries to creep in as the hours wane, leaving me often at odds with myself and even at times, the truth. And what can I do to combat these "quirks" and "jerks" of the soul that often fog the thinking. Well, thats easy. Rest. Rest in His presence; where I am safe and reassured once again that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at the exact moment I'm supposed to be there.
In realizing this, once again for the millionth time, all the worries and cares of the world fade away and my mind is at rest.
This evening after dinner, Tracey, Nico and I sat around the TV watching a movie and, once that was over, anything that looked interesting enough to tolerate. At that moment I had a desire to just step out for a bit, and just get things in perspective. The sun had not yet set and I'd been wanting to go out during the evening anyway. So, I did. Walked through the vineyard, up the hill and just... beheld. The world that surrounds me. Oh the absolute Beauty of this place. Hill after rolling hill, vast, open patchwork fields, stacked towns glowing romantically in the dusk, the sky- the array of brilliant pastels spread out before me, the moon already a glowing pearl. I spoke to God. "O Lord, what beauty you have made for us. What Beauty."
I told him my heart.
I love your presence.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Another day at the Beach

Another wonderful day at the beach. I could get used to this. Today was really good. Tracey, Nico, and I along with 2 guests/family friends, packed up our pocketbooks and bags and headed out to the rocky beaches of Camogli beach in Genova, or perhaps I should say "pebbly" beaches. Seriously, nothing but pebbles, beautiful yes, but fatal on the feet. At any rate, that didnt stop me from making that painful trek of about 3 feet from my beach towel to the ocean waves. Now, there's one thing that should be clarified about me. I cant swim. Thats right, I Jennifer McIntyre have never learned to swim. Never learned to as a kid but it seems I've hit the jackot since living here. Long story short, every week the 3 of us head to the beach- or to someone's pool, and I set aside my fears and dive in...or wade. And each time Im less and less afraid! Today I used a boogie board and only fell Off Once! YAY! Thats what I call some serious progress. Pretty soon yours truly will be swimmin with the fishes. Anyway, that took up most of the day but I enjoyed every moment of it. The sun was bright and hot, the water, cool and blue. My hair turned into a bunch of floppy seaweed and I turned into a walking block of salt. Now thats what I call a good day.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thus far...

Since coming here to La Rocca, my life has been greatly affected. I have only been here for a few weeks, but this has already been by far the most amazing part of my abroad experience. Granted, I still have several months to go. At any rate, I am overwhelmingly blessed and still cannot believe all the wonderful things that have been poured out on me. From going to the beach every week, to visiting Florence, reading amazing books, working the vineyard and hearing God speak through the vines, reveling in the majesty of the Piemonte region, meeting amazing people from all over the world and maybe more than anything else, finding true peace and Joy- actual JOY! Im happy, all I do is think about what God has done for me, how he sees me, who he IS, I cant help There is much to be said about everything really.
Each day, I rise to something new, a day never seen before, brand new. And each day I have a choice; I can either embrace it as a gift, or I can waste it. Now Im not saying I always make the right decision. I don't. But I am learning that I always regret the latter. In living here in Vignale, I am learning to treasure each moment. I believe that God has brought me into a season of rest, and a season of spiritual growth. I am surrounded by lovers of God and lovers of others. I awaken each morning surrounded by beauty, not afraid to embrace the day, not holding myself back from those nearest to me. I guess I can say one thing Im really experiencing is: truly being delighted in. Everyday Tracey- the one who owns La Rocca welcomes me with a big smile and an open heart, calling me "Princess" and throwing her arms around me. She confides in me and I in her. We go window shopping and she tells me how every bright, beautiful dress she sees reminds her of me and she tells me how gorgeous I would look in them. Her son, Nico tells me what a blessing it is that I have come and how God must really have something big for me. They take me in and me. And not only me; La Rocca is like...well its like an eagle's nest. You come here for refuge and nourishment for body and spirit. And when your time is done, in a manner of speaking, you're booted out of the nest and made to spread your wings and fly. For now this is my resting place- the place where God has sent me to be nourished and cared for. For now, I will simply drink it in. I don't think I've ever felt such embracing love like this before. I must say, I do believe I'm learning to fly.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

In a Nutshell

So let me just say, Ive been meaning to do this for like the past 2 weeks now. Im currently living in the Piedmont Region of Italia in a town called Casale Monferrato. I have been welcomed in by a wonderful American/Italian family; they own a B&B and vineyard. So I am actually living on a vineyard! Amazing. Its been an awesome few weeks thus far. And there's so much I have to tell.
At the moment, I'm sitting in my room for the summer contemplating whether I should go and fix myself a caffe or not. Today's agenda: vineyard tending. Chopping branches and leaves essentially; letting the sun shine through and the air flow so that the grapes can breathe and grow fat and juicy.
Of course, there's much more to say, but for now think I'll go see about that caffe. Ciao!